starting my day

 sekarang 30 banyak kita nak lalui, hadap, buat.

we encounter ups & down but mostly cara kita tangani.

my mental health for the past few years kadang stabil kadang tak. 

kadang rasa nak marah, kadang okay je positive.

but now this time right now. i need to do something.

recording it, documenting it to the spot i'm feeling relieve. 

bukan senang nak memulakan atau nak sambung benda yang kita pernah suka.

tapi selepas harungi liku-liku yang tuhan sahaja tahu.

almost 10 years meninggalkan apa yang aku suka.

rasa sedih rasa resah but i need to make something.

starting right now.

currently, on two jobs not my dream.

but i need to go on to survive.

on project to continue my business that quite successful on the past.

ongoing that i feel most excited yet nervous, but i know it is my biggest dream and hope. 

to achieve my goals in this life.

randomly, gamba-gambar kat bawah ni my favourite current photo that i'd taken.

just enjoy the view.


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